Protection of Human Rights Defenders…

PPI Human Rights Defenders Protection program is preventive, reactive and investigative in nature.

PPI Preventive Protection

Through capacity building in risk assessment and digital security, PPI assesses the vulnerabilities of HRDs to risks that are triggered by the nature of human rights activities they conduct, the environment within which they work, their physical and mental health as well the resources they have to their disposal as they implement their human rights agenda. Capacity building activities are aimed at empowering HRDs beforehand so that they can mitigate the threats they are faced with as well as develop mechanisms required to acquire capacities capable of enabling them reduce the risk that come with their statuses as HRDs working to address the violations of human rights in authoritarian regimes. All capacity building interventions are implemented after a needs assessment has been conducted, and in accordance with PPI human rights impact assessment framework. The preventive protection needs are addressed from the ground, analyzed, planned for and implemented to meet the expectations of human rights defenders. For that matter, PPI Partnership and research department works hard to identify the challenging issues that Human Rights Defenders face then proposes tools to better copy rolex daytona rolex calibre 7750 mingzhu engine mens 116508bkso automatic address them as a way of upholding the targets of Sustainable Development 16, without which measuring progress in human rights would be impossible. Through partnership with likeminded organizations, PPI looks into the challenges faced by HRDs both with inner and external lenses considering the nexus between globalization and transnational factors and actors with the ability to influence human rights defenders working environment.

PPI Reactive Protection

Through urgent interventions availed by PPI’s emergency team, HRDs at imminent risks receive supports that match with the nature of the risks they are facing. Working to react effectively to emergencies figure among the primary responsibilities of all PPI’s Staff across its departments. The partnership between PPI and its partner organizations is primarily based on emergency interventions for HRD referred by either of the parties involved in the partnership. The priority is given to the need to protect HRD lives and integrity in the process of providing protection services. PPI Urgent Intervention team is available on phone 24/7. Similarly, it is available 24/7 on the online chat to help HRDs. PPI Urgent intervention department works closely with other departments to ensure that the right interventions are benefitted by HRDs, and the integrity of the protection program as a whole is maintained.

PPI Investigative Protection

Through advocacy and legal aid, PPI intervenes to lobby the public servants, security and public order agents in general to cooperate with the HRDs for their protection and encourages measures that call for collective responsibility to promote human rights and defend democracy.

In the process, PPI finds out the triggers of threats against HRDs and puts in place more active data collection approaches to enable effective interventions. Where lobby isn’t possible, PPI’s team of Lawyers represent HRDs in Courts of law to ensure they access equal justice.

PPI seeks also supranational protection for HRDs through its advocacy work at the levels of the Sub regional Communities, the African Commission on People and Human Rights, at the related site United Nation’ s Human Rights Council and International Organizations with the mandate to protect human rights defenders.